Pixel tracking

Pixel tracking is a simple and reliable way to track conversions.

It is easy to use, you just need to take the ready-made tracking pixel code and add it to the “Thank you” page, the offer’s page or to the affiliate network side.

All kinds of pixels in terms of implementation work similar but the technology is different.

There are 4 kinds of pixels:

iFrame pixel is placed in the form of a built-in frame on the site’s landing page.
Image pixel is placed as a 1×1 image on the landing page of the site.
JS pixel is added as a script to the code of the site.
S2S postback is the safest and most reliable method for counting conversions.

Pixels serve for statistics and conversion counting, but that’s not all, along with a conversion, you can also track and pass the parameters.

How do tracking pixels work?

Tracking pixels are designed for client tracking and work with the use of cookies. A cookie stores information about a user’s session that has passed through a tracking link. When the conversion is made, the pixel displays this information from the browser for authentication, obtained from the tracking link.

Those who worked with such sources of traffic as Facebook and AdWords, certainly have dealt with pixels.

There is a pixel tracking service AdWords. It uses a pixel to monitor the ad performance and count conversions. Let us consider the sequence of actions for setting the pixel as in the case of Express Landing

  • 1

    First step

    Set up an advertising dashboard (ads, targeting, keywords, etc.).

  • 2

    Second step

    All done. The pixel is set and active, no additional actions are required.

  • 3

    Third step

    Add this pixel to the code of your site.

  • 4

    Fourth step

    Provides a ready-made pixel – you need to copy it.

When making a conversion, the pixel will be processed in the manner described above (using a cookie).

Pixel tracking for affiliates

Affiliate networks and affiliates prefer to use pixel tracking to save time as it does not require much for the setting. The pixel is copied, now add it to the needed page and go on working.

When working with an affiliate network or offers directly, there is a need for a pixel tracker.

Express Landing is an excellent solution for tracking conversions because the platform with its functionality allows you to use any kind of pixel from existing ones. Express Landing provides ready-made pixel templates that are just copied and pasted onto a landing page, offer or affiliate network. When making a conversion, the pixel fires up, and this conversion is recorded in Express Landing statistics. Statistics show all the information for this conversion. You can view statistics by all conversions in total or separately by specific ones as well as filter them and sort them by various parameters (for example, by traffic source or by affiliate network).

If you work directly with affiliate networks or offers, then you cannot use the pixel of the traffic source such as AdWords or Facebook, because you don’t have your own site. But that’s not the case with Express Landing! The solution to the problem is very simple. As a pixel tracker, Express Landing has the functionality that allows you to fire traffic sources pixels.

That's it. If you don’t have your own site, then the traffic source pixel, let’s say AdWords pixel, needs to be added to your Express Landing account. Express Landing will fire this pixel when there is a conversion on the side of the affiliate network, and it will appear on the side of AdWords.

Choose the solution that suits you best.